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The 7 Chakras

We have discussed the meaning and significance of chakras in our last blog "what are chakras?". In this blog, I will explain the 7 chakras and their impact on a physical, mental and spiritual level. The main energy centres of the body, 7 chakras move across the spine, one in middle of eyebrows and the last and most difficult one to reach is at the crown.

Here is an overview of 7 Chakras:

1.Muladhara Chakra-The Root Chakra

Muladhara Chakra is located at the base of the spine, also called perineum, the space between the anal outlet and the genital organ. Muladhara is also called the foundation chakra of physical and energy body. It is characterized by the emotions of survival, stability, ambition and self sufficiency. Balacing of Muladhara chakra brings health, wellbeing, a sense of stability and completeness. Muladhara is also associated with longevity or immortality. 

The color of Muldhara is red and it can be balanced with kayakalpa yogasnas. 

2. Swadhishthana Chakra – Sacral Chakra

Muladhara Chakra is located at the lower abdomen, below naval. Traits of this chakra are desires, sexuality, procreation, affection, creativity and self-worth. Balanced sacral chakra will make you radiant, exuberant and uninhibited individual. You will be full of creative energy and are spontaneous, free and happy.

Swadishthana also controls the addictions to pleasures such as sexual, alcoholic and drug use. Balancing this chakra will help you let go of your desires to unimportant and toxicity in life and will help you focus on productive matters in life. 

The color of Swadhishthana is orange. As the element of swadhisthana is water, you should go for a walk around water or take longer showers. You can also do asanas such as Utkata Konasana, Matsyasnas and Trikonasanas. 

3. Manipura Chakra – Solar Plexus Chakra

Manipura chakra is located at the bottom of the Rib Cage. This chakra is characterized by energy and emotions like ego, anger and aggression. It is associated with wisdom and self-confidence.

The Manipura Chakra is the centre of vitality. It controls our energy balance to strengthen and consolidate our health. Imbalanced Manipura can cause digestive problems, liver problems, diabetes, depression and many more. Manipura is the centre of vitality, active maipura supports good health and assists in overcoming all the illnesses. 

One will be energetic, confident and focussed by bringing this chakra into balance. Asanas such as Pashchimottanasana,  Bhujangasana and Dhanurasanas can help in balancing Manipura Chakra. 

4. Anahata Chakra – Heart Chakra

The Anahata Chakra is located in the heart region. This chakra creates balance within body. It is characterized with emotions of love, attachment, compassion, trust and passion. The two opposite triangles signify the beautiful combination of physical and spiritual energies. Imbalance in Anahata chakra can cause emotional issues like anger, lack of trust, anxiety, jealousy, fear and moodiness. 

Balance Anahata Chakra will make you feel compassionate, optimistic, friendly, motivated, understanding and caring. This chakra corresponds with green color and can be balanced by practising Ardha Setubandhasana and matsyasana. 

5. Vishuddha Chakra – Throat Chakra

 Throat chakra is located at the base of the throat. Vishuddha Chakra represents inspiration, expression, faith and the ability of communication. Imbalanced throat Chakra may lead to timidity, quietness, a feeling of weakness or the inability to express your thoughts.

Balance of the Throat Chakra can manifest itself by creativity, positive self-expression, constructive communication and satisfaction. This chakra brings propensity to create, project ideas and blueprints into reality.

The color of Vishuddha chakra is blue and it can balanced with practice of sarvangasana and halasana.

6. Ajna Chakra – Third Eye Chakra

Ajna Chakra is located at the middle of eyebrows. Its attributes are intelligence, intuition, understanding, psychic abilities, insight and self-knowledge. One can enhance concentration and memory by focusing on this chakra in meditation. 

Imbalance of this chakra will cause headaches, blurry vision and eye strain. It will also make you feel stuck in life and will hold you from taking bigger decisions. 

Balancing this chakra will free you from all the fears, including the fear of death. It will let you become your own master. 

The color of Ajna chakra is indigo. Third eye focused meditations and Shirshasana are the best ways to balance Ajna Chakra. 

7. Sahastrara Chakra – Crown Chakra

Sahastrata chakra is located at the crown of the head. It is the centre of spirituality, enlightenment, dynamic thought and energy. With Imbalanced Sahastrara chakra, one might suffer from a constant sense of frustration, no spark of joy and destructive feelings.

Balancing the chakra will bring inward flow of wisdom and brings the gift of cosmic consciousness. This chakra connects us to universe and enhances the intellect to a limitless extent.

The color of Sahastrara chakra is Violet. One can balance this chakra with meditation and Shirshasana. 


Adding small elements of colors, chakras, crystals can help you balance your chakras. Check out out chakra collection at -

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